MooDIY Cloud Help Center for Moodle LMS
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These are the questions and related answers for a new user as to how to get started with the system, such as creating the account etc.
How do I get started with hosting my Moodle site?
How do I reset my password for my Moodle site hosted at MooDIY?
What are the minimum requirements on my laptop/desktop to use Moodle hosted on MooDIY?
Can I have more than one site on the same MooDIY account?
Can I change my Moodle site details hosted at MooDIY? Which details can be changed?

These are the questions and answers on the role of Support team, how can a customer contact the support team and what can be expected from the support team.
What will be counted towards storage on my Moodle site?
Who has access to view my account details?
How do I send invitations for others to join my team?
Can I add team members to my account to help manage my Moodle sites?
Will I get the support for migrating my Moodle site from hosting elsewhere to MooDIY?

These are the questions and answers where the customers can give Feedback to MooDIY team. The customers can even write their complaints on the product or the support services.
How can I get answers to my queries?
My Moodle site has been deleted. What could be the reason?
What should I do if I do not find the answers to my queries in FAQs?

These are the questions and answers on the various Plans and the features offered in each Plan
Do you offer a free trial? And for how long?
Can I install third-party plugins from the Moodle plugins directory?
Can I use my own Domain?
Can I downgrade my plan?
What are the different available plans?

These are the questions and answers related to Payment and Billing.
I am unable to make the payment.
What options are there for billing cycles?
Why am I being asked for more details during my payment transaction?
Can I get a Discount coupon?
In which currency will I be billed?

These are the questions and answers related to any technical challenge that the customer might be facing.
Some of my users are experiencing issues accessing my site. What steps should I take?
I am unable to modify the roles of my team members?

These are the questions and their answers about how to use the product and related features. This also includes a few questions and answers on Moodle usage.
What are MooDIY's pre-configured Moodle features?
What is the default Moodle theme on MooDIY?
Which tool is provided for video conferencing?
How do I add my learners to my Moodle courses on MooDIY?
How can I incorporate my branding on the LMS site?